We have an awesome team who teach and care for us and help us learn. Our classes are totally inclusive, and both PRU & SEMH pupils are completely integrated in the classrooms.
We have two school leaders who help to keep us safe and ensure that our school continues to grow and develop. They have also been known to play sticky toffee with us at lunchtime and enjoy reading with us in the morning.
Our school leaders are:
- Miss Fitzgerald – Headteacher
- Miss Mattison – Deputy Headteacher & SENDCO
Our classes:
Our current Key Stage 1 classes are as follows:
Nurture Class Teacher and Maths Lead– Mrs Kaur
Learning Support Coach – Mr Richards
We have one KS1nurture class which offers a caring learning environment for children aged 4-7 (Reception to Year 2). Our Nurture Groups operate on a part-time basis – children attend Hawkswood Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and continue to attend their mainstream school Thursdays and Fridays.
The nurture approach helps to maintain and strengthen the bond (attachment) between children and their mainstream school community, whilst providing support to the child, family and base school in order for them to better manage their behaviour and improve their performance in school. The Nurture Group children gradually increase their days in their mainstream school, as they become more able to cope, until they are off-roll at Hawkswood. This is typically 20 weeks.
A strong emphasis is placed on phonics, basic literacy and numeracy skills, social skills and effective communication.
Hawkswood Primary belong to The Nurture Group Network.
Our KS1 Class teacher is Mr Sloan – he is VERY tall (and kind)!
Our current Key Stage 2 classes are as follows:
Year 3 and 4 Class Teacher and Literacy Lead – Miss Bishop
Learning Support Coach – Mrs Sinclair
Year 5 and 6 Class Teacher and PE Lead – Mr DeLassndri
Learning Support Coach – Ms Myers
Interventions Learning Support Coach – Miss Wilson
We have three Key Stage 2 classes for children aged 7-11. These are typically mixed age groups, most commonly years 3/4, 4/5 and 5/6. Occasionally there might be 3 year groups in a class, depending on pupil numbers and patterns of referrals.
The classes are fully inclusive of PRU pupils who attend for a short period of time and SEND pupils with an EHC Plan, who are on-roll at Hawkswood and will attend for as long as is deemed necessary and appropriate.
We teach the full National Curriculum with P.E., English and maths taught daily. Pupils start every day with P.E. as this perpares them both physically and mentally for a day of learning.
KS2 children typically attend Hawkswood full time and will gradually return to mainstream/special school when they demonstrate that they are able to manage their emotions and behaviour sufficiently to cope.
Support Staff
Sylvia – School Cook
Mr Barrett – Site Officer – who helps to keep our school safe and looking beautiful
Ms Coleman – Admin Officer – Carole checks on us if we are sick and helps the school keep in touch with our parents – she is also Freddie’s Mum.
Freddie Coleman – the kindest school dog
Sally Mattison – the most crazy school dog