Parent/Carer Handbook
Below is a copy of the Parent /Carer Handbook it outlines useful information such as term dates, uniform policy and the school day. There is also essential information contained in the handbook that is designed specifically for parents/carers.
Worried about a child?
Contact our trained helpline counsellors for 24/7 help, advice and support.
Are you 18 or under?
Are you being bullied?
If you are being bullied, or you are not ready to make a report to CEOP, you can talk to Childline anonymously online or on the phone – No worry is too big or too small.
Childline offers free, confidential advice and support whatever your worry, whenever you need help.
Child Exploitation and Online Protection command (CEOP)
CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse (
Make a report:
No doubt over the past few months you’ve heard children (and maybe a few adults) talk about the latest Tik Tok challenges or their favourite celebrity’s lockdown livestream.
This week your activity pack for parents and carers to deliver to their children explores how children and young people can stay safe while live streaming:
- Thinkuknow 11-13s
- Thinkuknow 14+
- Thinkuknow – Short videos for parents and carers: delivering online safety at home
- Tik Tok: A guide for parents
For more information:
You can keep up to date with the latest news from the CEOP Education team by following us on Facebook and Twitter. If you have any questions or feedback about our resources, get in touch with us at